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Getting started with Observability, or looking for new ideas for your own environments? There are so many great resources out there - you've come to a place trying to collect them all :)

Introduction is a collection of helpful URLs and tutorials, originally started by Michael Friedrich, @dnsmichi in January 2022. Created for and maintained by the community.

o11y is a numeronym similar to k8s. k8s = k <8 chars> s = Kubernetes. o11y = o <11 chars> y = Observability.

What is Observability

Over the years, many definitions were explained, discussed and created. Michael Friedrich, maintainer of this platform, says:

Modern application development and deployment with microservices and cloud-native technologies require a new approach beyond traditional metrics monitoring.

Collecting all types of events helps answer known questions, and identify unknown unknowns.

Who knew that a DNS response latency in CI/CD pipelines caused the deployment cost to rise significantly? This describes Observability, and how it can help reduce infrastructure costs.

Ted Young explains the motivation, rights and wrongs (3 pillars), and which data we are looking at and correlating, in the first video on the future of Observability and OpenTelemetry. A great introduction to watch and learn :)

OpenTelemetry and the future of Observability, part 1

There are more definitions and tools to dive into.

Resources on

Please note that we endorse free learning resources and try to keep informal only, no advertisements or product preferences. Tools and names are sorted in alpha numeric order. Missing a tool or want to provide feedback? See Contributing. is inspired by amazing community resources:


and much more ...

Use Cases

Use cases provide more Observability scenarios, best practices, and more. They are waiting for your stories :)

Learning Resources

Learning Resources include newsletters, meetups, trainings & workshops and more.


Add your knowledge and follow our Contributing guide.


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0